..Welthax Retirement & Pension

Retirement & Pension
Fund Investment Package.

welthax Capital

Our retirement and pension fund investment package is built on our Economic Scenario Generator, which delivers consistent modeling of a broad range of assets and economic risk drivers. Use them to analyze the impact of strategic asset allocations, design journey plans leading to self-sufficiency or buy-out readiness, and investigate the effect of liability-driven investments. Model alternative assets, including hedge funds and private equity funds, and traditional assets, such as equities, debt, and property, and enable stress tests and sensitivity analyses. Against the backdrop of “New Normal” financial conditions of historic low interest rates, bond yields combined with low property rental yields, and disappointing equity market returns, pension funds are under great pressure. They need to deliver higher returns to meet their increasing liabilities due to the greater longevity of pension scheme members. Investment and Asset management remains a critical consideration as pension funds investments seek to leverage their natural liquidity in order to generate higher returns from longer term investment in new capital assets. The traditional approach of allocating to existing securities markets – which may only result in increasingly inflated prices for existing capital – is increasingly being called into question

Pension Fund Investment and Risk Management

To achieve the best results and generate sustainable profits for our investors, we implement accurately defined profit-oriented pension funds investment strategies, design and test the effectiveness of hedging and risk mitigation strategies, using a comprehensive array of dynamic rebalancing triggers and derivative instruments, including limited price index (LPI) swaps We spare no expense in our perpetual drive to understand the impact of adjusting duration or credit exposure, changing the rebalancing strategy, or applying a new hedge to part of the liability risk exposure, in terms of solvency risk metrics or other capital requirements. Improve your investment design, governance, and communication for wealth management, retail investment, and retirement income, including risk-graded and target date funds, guarantees, Commercial Property Price Indices™ (CPPI), and diversified growth.

How a Pension works

pay money regularly

get a top up from the government

Pension Fund Investment and Risk Management

You have a pot of cash to live on when you work less or retire completely A pension is simply a pot of money which grows free of UK tax. You, your employer, and the government can all pay into it. You can also pay into someone else's for example for your spouse or children. Choosing how to take your pensions You can usually take your pension from 55 and have range of options to choosde from for income. You'll also be able to recieve up to 25% as tax-free cash. How much can you add to your pension? How much you should put in your pension depends on your personal circumstances. Pension and tax rules can change, but as a rule of thumb, if you want to retire at 65, you should consider saving an annual percentage of your salary that's equal to at least half your age when you start saving. So if you start saving when you're 24, you should consider putting at least 12% of your salary in your pension each year until you retire. If you start at 40, you should consider at least 20%. Try and maintain this percentage as your earnings increase. Note: You can usually pay in as much as you earn up to £40,000 a year, and get tax relief. If you don't have any earnings, you can still pay in up to £3,600 a year and recieve tax relief. You may be able to pay in more than £40,000 if you have unused allowance from previous years.

Lucrative and Investment Opportunity at your Finger Print.

Retirement & Pension Fund Investment Plan